Hearthstone: One Night in Karazhan (First Wing) – The dishes are done!

Since the new Hearthstone adventure One Night in Karazhan was announced last month, I couldn’t helped but wonder what could Blizzard possibly add to the already addictive game to make it even more interesting. For starters, there are 45 new cards that come with the adventure. But the focus of One Night in Karazhan is…

Am jucat Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods fără C’Thun și am câștigat

Acum câteva săptămâni am primit de la Blizzard (hat tip) 50 de pachete de cărți din noul expansion Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods. Trei săptămâni după lansarea noilor cărți, metagame-ul s-a schimbat destul de drastic așa că avem deja câteva deck-uri interesante ce schimbă un jocul enorm spre imens. Whispers of the Old Gods…